• So you’re old enough to decide about the vaccine on your own?


This is an experimental vaccine that has not completed trials - Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has been given an “estimated study completion date” of Jan. 31, 2023, Moderna, studies are expected to end on Oct. 27, 2022. YOU ARE THE EXPERIMENT!

In the US there have already been 329,031 adverse reactions reported including nearly 6000 deaths from covid vaccines, and growing reports from Canada and around the world.

Specifically see https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data for reports of teens and young adults under the age of 20.

Many of the adverse reactions have affected people’s reproductive systems. Taking this vaccine means that you are risking your ability to have children!

Actually, no one knows the possible side effects for sure, but so far there are concerns of Heart Attacks, Myocarditis/Pericardits, Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet, Misscarriages,  Anaphylaxis, Bell's Palsy, Severe Allergic Reactions and becoming permanantly Disabled.

What we DO know is that healthy people, especially younger people and teens, have almost ZERO risk of getting sick or dying from covid! 

You can always get vaccinated later, but you can never unvaccinate.


Do you want to take the risk?  Why not wait a few years until you’re sure that there are no long lasting side effects.

Oh, because you want your freedoms back? Like travelling and group events?

Remember, it was just supposed to be ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’..... 16 months ago....

So, YES it’s a big decision!  Do some research on your own and ask yourself what you are really comfortable with. 

You have the right to say NO even if your parents are saying yes. 

Your body, your choice!  Your body, your life!

You already had the vaccine? You can still opt out of getting the 2nd dose! 

So you’re old enough to decide about the vaccine on your own? This is an important, irrevocable life-altering decision!

You should have all the facts! You have the right to say NO even if your parents are saying yes. 



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